What We Do


Provider Organizations

Veracity’s extensive experience and deep expertise in working with Integrated Delivery Networks, Community Hospitals, Children’s, Specialty hospitals, physician networks and other care delivery organizations is the cornerstone of our consulting services. Put our experience to work for your organization to navigate today’s market disruptions.

  • Enterprise software selection and contracting

  • Project Management

  • Performance Improvement assessment, analytics, and execution

  • Compliance and Regulatory

  • Privacy & Security

  • Data Governance, Analysis and Analytics

Payers and Value Based Care Organizations

The successful move from traditional fee-for-service (FFS) to value-based care (VBC) requires the execution of previously unnecessary strategies and operational tactics. Leakage analysis, gaps in care, attribution assessment, care coordination, identification and management of high-risk patient populations are all unique requirements to successfully make this contracting and care delivery transition. Veracity’s experience in Medicare, Medicaid and Commercial accountable care organizations can provide a roadmap and insights for success.

  • Strategy/Market analysis

  • Operations Optimization

  • Clinically Integrated Network assessment and leakage analysis

  • High risk patient population strategy, process, and engagement

  • Payer contracting

  • Physician/Patient Engagement

  • Telehealth

  • Information Technology Infrastructure Assessment (Analytics, Care Management, Patient Engagement)

  • Care Management workflow and process assessment



Biotech & Molecular Diagnostic Labs

Innovative, cutting edge clinical solutions such as genetic and proteomic testing, next generation devices and implantables, and require pioneering product and go-to-market strategies. Veracity’s experience in delivering accelerated commercialization and market penetration will deliver clear ROI and advantages in the market.

  • Strategy development, full market analysis and initial market penetration

  • Development and refinement of ROI-Health Economic Model

  • Project management for proof-of-concept and controlled clinical study project

Digital Health Information Technology Companies

New technology innovations are emerging every day. Whether it’s new data analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence or other platforms, Veracity’s experience in business development, marketing, product management, and implementation across the entire health care eco-system will deliver the strategy, messaging and process to delivered successful sales enablement.

  • Product and Market Strategy

  • Product Assessment

  • Market Assessment

  • Competitive Analysis

  • Sales Material Development

  • Sales Methodology/ Market Penetration

  • Salesforce Implementation / Optimization

  • Prototype definition and development


Private Equity / Venture Capital

When the due diligence effort requires an honest, accurate and factual assessment of an organization’s business, product and go-to-market strategies, Veracity will deliver the insights necessary to make the right decision.

  • Due diligence on solutions, product management, go-to-market strategy, revenue pro forma

  • Competitive analysis and outcomes

  • Recommendations to accelerate market penetration and resulting valuation